Idoly Pride

Idoly Pride is an anime that follows the journey of a group of aspiring idols as they work towards achieving their dreams. The show explores the challenges and obstacles that these young women face as they navigate the competitive world of the entertainment industry. With its engaging storyline and well-developed characters, Idoly Pride has quickly become a fan favorite.

Idoly Pride, Idols

In this review, we will provide a balanced analysis of the show, highlighting both its strengths and weaknesses. We will delve into the show’s themes and character development, examining how they contribute to the overall narrative. Additionally, we will compare Idoly Pride to other popular idol anime, providing a comprehensive overview of the genre.

Our goal is to provide a thorough and honest assessment of Idoly Pride, allowing viewers to make an informed decision about whether or not it is worth watching. While we will certainly provide criticism where necessary, we will also highlight the many positive aspects of the show. By the end of this review, readers will have a clear understanding of what makes Idoly Pride a unique and compelling addition to the anime world.

Positive Aspects

Music and Performances

One of the best things about Idoly Pride is its music and performances. The anime features a variety of catchy and upbeat songs that are sure to get stuck in your head. The performances are also well choreographed and visually appealing, making them a joy to watch. Each character has their own unique style and personality, which is reflected in their performances. The music and performances are a definite highlight of the show.

Animation and Art Style

Another positive aspect of Idoly Pride is its animation and art style. The anime features bright and colorful visuals that are pleasing to the eye. The character designs are also well done, with each character having their own distinct look. The animation is smooth and fluid, making the performances even more impressive. The attention to detail in the animation and art style is impressive and adds to the overall quality of the show. Overall, Idoly Pride has several positive aspects that make it worth watching. The music and performances are catchy and well choreographed, while the animation and art style are visually appealing and well done. These aspects make for an enjoyable viewing experience that fans of the idol genre are sure to appreciate.


Story and Plot

Idoly Pride’s plot is not particularly unique, as it follows the typical idol anime formula of a group of girls striving to become the best idols in the industry. However, the story does have its fair share of cliches and predictable plot points that may turn off some viewers. The pacing of the plot can also be slow at times, which may make it difficult for some viewers to stay engaged.

Character Development

While the characters in Idoly Pride are likable and have their own distinct personalities, the show’s focus on the idol industry means that character development is often sacrificed for the sake of advancing the plot. Some characters feel underdeveloped and lack depth, which can make it difficult for viewers to become fully invested in their stories. Overall, while Idoly Pride has its flaws, it is still an enjoyable anime that is worth watching for fans of the idol genre. The show’s music and performances are top-notch, and the characters are likable enough to keep viewers engaged. However, those looking for a more unique and innovative plot may be disappointed by the show’s reliance on cliches and predictable storylines.

Character Analysis


The characters in Idoly Pride are a key part of what makes the project so engaging. Each character has their own unique personality, backstory, and motivations. Some are confident and outgoing, while others are more reserved and introspective. Some characters have experienced success in the industry, while others are just starting out. The show explores the challenges and triumphs that come with pursuing a career in entertainment, and the characters are at the heart of this story.

Tsuki no Tempest is a five-member group under Hoshimi Production in the anime series Idoly Pride. They are also known as “Tsuki-Suto” (月スト; Tsuki-est). The group has a presence as the shining moon in the night sky, and a fighting spirit as strong as a storm. Their music has a fragility to it, and their powerful dance performance gives them a strong presence.

Kotono Nagase

Kotono Nagase is the leader and a member of Tsuki no Tempest. She is a student at Hoshimi Private High School and her image color is dark blue. She is the younger sister of Mana Nagase.

Nagisa Ibuki

Nagisa Ibuki is a member of Tsuki no Tempest. She is a student at Hoshimi Private High School and her image color is pink.

Saki Shiraishi

Saki Shiraishi is a member of Tsuki no Tempest. She is the student council president at Hikarigasaki High School and her image color is teal. She is the older sister of Chisa Shiraishi.

Suzu Narumiya

Suzu Narumiya is a member of Tsuki no Tempest. She is a student at Uruha Girls’ Private School’s middle school division and her image color is yellow.

Mei Hayasaka

Mei Hayasaka is a member of Tsuki no Tempest. She is a student at Hoshimi Private High School and her image color is red.

Sunny Peace is a Hoshimi Production idol group in the anime series Idoly Pride. The group consists of five members, each with their own unique personality and image color. They are known for their upbeat and cheerful music, and their performances are always full of energy and excitement.

Sakura Kawasaki

Sakura Kawasaki (川咲さくら) is the leader and a member of Sunny Peace. She is a student at Hikarigasaki High School and her image color is orange. Sakura is known for her confident and outgoing personality, and she always puts her best foot forward when performing on stage. She is a natural leader and is always looking out for her fellow group members.

Shizuku Hyodo

Shizuku Hyodo (兵藤雫) is a member of Sunny Peace. She is a student at Hikarigasaki High School and her image color is pastel green. Shizuku is known for her gentle and kind-hearted nature, and she always puts others before herself. She is a talented singer and dancer, and her performances are always full of grace and elegance.

Chisa Shiraishi

Chisa Shiraishi (白石千紗) is a member of Sunny Peace. She is a student at Hikarigasaki High School and her image color is light pink. Chisa is the younger sister of Saki Shiraishi, another idol in the series. She is known for her bubbly and cheerful personality, and she always brings a smile to everyone’s face. Chisa is a talented performer and is always looking for ways to improve her skills.

Rei Ichinose

Rei Ichinose (一ノ瀬怜) is a member of Sunny Peace. She is a student at Uruha Girls’ Private School’s high school division and her image color is light blue. Rei is known for her calm and collected personality, and she always keeps her cool under pressure. She is a talented singer and dancer, and her performances are always full of emotion and passion.

Haruko Saeki

Haruko Saeki (佐伯遙子) is a member of Sunny Peace. She is a student at Seiyou Private University and her image color is light purple. Haruko is known for her quiet and reserved personality, but she is always willing to lend a helping hand to her fellow group members. She is a talented performer and is always looking for ways to improve her skills.

The IDOLY PRIDE unit TRINITYAiLE is a group of three talented idols who have captured the hearts of fans with their stunning performances. The group consists of Rui Tendo, Yu Suzumura, and Sumire Okuyama, each with their unique talents and personalities.

Rui Tendo

Rui Tendo is the leader, absolute center, and a member of TRINITYAiLE. She is a student at Tsukinode Private High School, and her image color is white. Rui is a genius idol who excels in all aspects of dance, singing, and performance. She is a proven talent backed by overwhelming effort, and her performances are always a treat to watch.

Yu Suzumura

Yu Suzumura is a member of TRINITYAiLE. She is a student at Tsukinode Private High School, and her image color is lime green. Yu is a cheerful and energetic idol who always brings a smile to the faces of her fans. She has a unique voice, and her dance moves are always on point, making her a valuable member of the group.

Sumire Okuyama

Sumire Okuyama is a member of TRINITYAiLE. She is a student at Benibana Middle School, and her image color is light yellow. Sumire is a shy and reserved idol who often struggles to express herself. However, when she takes to the stage, she transforms into a confident and talented performer, captivating the audience with her beautiful voice and graceful dance moves.

Together, Rui, Yu, and Sumire make up TRINITYAiLE, a group of idols who have won the hearts of fans with their stunning performances and unique personalities. With their talent and dedication, they are sure to continue to shine bright in the world of idol music.

LizNoir is a group under Van Production, and they are a four-member group whose performances are fascinating and unparalleled. With their powerful music as a base, they create a hot and exciting performance beyond earth and space.

Rio Kanzaki

Rio Kanzaki (神崎莉央) is the center and a member of the IDOLY PRIDE unit LizNoir. Her image color is purple. Rio is a confident and charismatic performer who always gives her all on stage. She is a natural leader and is respected by her fellow members.

Aoi Igawa

Aoi Igawa (井川葵) is a member of the IDOLY PRIDE unit LizNoir. She is a student at Tsukinode Private High School and her image color is blue. Aoi is known for her cool and collected personality, and her stoic demeanor adds a unique edge to LizNoir’s performances.

Ai Komiyama

Ai Komiyama (小美山愛) is a member of the IDOLY PRIDE unit LizNoir. She is a student at Tsukinode Private High School and her image color is sky blue. Ai is the youngest member of LizNoir and is known for her cute and innocent image. However, she is also a talented performer and brings a lot of energy to the group.

Kokoro Akazaki

Kokoro Akazaki (赤崎こころ) is a member of the IDOLY PRIDE unit LizNoir. She is a student at Uruha Girls’ Private School’s middle school division and her image color is peach. Kokoro is a bit of a wild card and brings a lot of unpredictability to LizNoir’s performances. She is a free spirit who loves to have fun and is always up for a challenge.

IIIX is an idol unit from the anime series Idoly Pride. The unit consists of three members, Fran, Kana, and Miho. Fran is the center of the group, and the unit is known for their powerful and energetic performances.


Fran is the center and a member of the IDOLY PRIDE unit IIIX. She is a third-year high school student and has a bright and cheerful personality. Fran is known for her powerful and energetic performances, and she always gives her all on stage. She has a strong sense of responsibility and is always looking out for her fellow members. Fran’s catchphrase is “Let’s do our best with a smile!”


Kana is a member of the IDOLY PRIDE unit IIIX. She is a second-year high school student and is known for her gentle and kind personality. Kana is a talented singer and has a beautiful voice. She is also a skilled dancer and always puts a lot of effort into her performances. Kana’s catchphrase is “Let’s shine together!”


Miho is a member of the IDOLY PRIDE unit IIIX. She is a first-year high school student and is known for her quiet and reserved personality. Miho is a talented dancer and has a lot of energy on stage. She is also a skilled singer and always puts a lot of emotion into her performances. Miho’s catchphrase is “Let’s have fun together!”

Mana Nagase

Mana Nagase (長瀬麻奈) was a solo idol under Hoshimi Production. She is the older sister of Kotono Nagase and her image color was pink.

Kohei Makino

Kohei Makino (牧野航平) is an employee at Hoshimi Production. He is a young manager and is in charge of the 10 new idols under the company.

Shinji Saegusa

Shinji Saegusa (三枝信司) is the president of the company Hoshimi Production. He founded the company with his wife, Yui Saegusa, and has been working in the entertainment industry for years. He is passionate about supporting young talent and helping them achieve their dreams.

Hoshimi Production is a small talent agency focused on idols, located in the suburbs of Kanto. Despite its small size, the company has big dreams and is home to a group of talented young idols who are determined to make it big in the industry.

Under the guidance of Kohei Makino, the 10 new idols under Hoshimi Production are working hard to improve their skills and become the best performers they can be. They have no idea how to sing or dance, but with the help of their managers and trainers, their potential is unlimited.

With the support of Shinji Saegusa and the rest of the Hoshimi Production team, these young idols are on their way to becoming the brightest stars in the industry.

Overall, the character development in Idoly Pride is one of its strongest aspects. The main and supporting characters are all well-rounded and interesting, making for a compelling and engaging story.


Similar Anime Shows

Idoly Pride is a unique anime that combines elements of idol anime with a coming-of-age story. While there are similarities to other idol anime shows, such as Love Live! and The Idolm@ster, Idoly Pride stands out with its focus on character development and emotional storytelling.

One of the most notable similarities between Idoly Pride and other idol anime shows is the use of music and dance as a central theme. However, Idoly Pride goes beyond the typical idol anime formula by exploring the struggles and hardships of the characters as they pursue their dreams.

Differences from Other Idol Anime

One major difference between Idoly Pride and other idol anime shows is the focus on individual character development. While other idol anime shows often focus on the group as a whole, Idoly Pride takes a more personal approach by delving into the individual stories and struggles of each character.

Another difference is the use of a dual protagonist system, with two main characters, Kotono and Sakura, sharing the spotlight. This allows for a more complex and layered story, as the two characters have different motivations and experiences that shape their journeys.

Additionally, Idoly Pride explores deeper themes such as loss, grief, and the pressure of living up to expectations. This gives the show a more mature tone than other idol anime shows, which often have a more lighthearted and upbeat feel.


Idoly Pride is a fresh and enjoyable idol show that offers a unique perspective on the industry. The show’s characters are well-developed and relatable, and their struggles and triumphs are portrayed with honesty and sensitivity. The animation and music are also top-notch, making for an immersive viewing experience.

While the show does have some flaws, such as occasional pacing issues and underdeveloped side characters, these are minor quibbles in the grand scheme of things. Overall, Idoly Pride is a solid addition to the idol anime genre, and is well worth checking out for fans of the genre or anyone looking for a fun and engaging series to watch.

Comparing it to other idol anime, Idoly Pride stands out in its willingness to tackle more serious and complex themes, such as grief and mental health. This gives the show a depth and emotional resonance that is often lacking in other idol shows, which tend to focus more on the glitz and glamour of the industry.

In conclusion, Idoly Pride is a must-watch for fans of the idol anime genre, as well as anyone looking for a well-written and emotionally resonant series. While it may not be perfect, it is a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of following your dreams, no matter the obstacles in your way.

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